
Tabla de códigos de retorno. Hoja 3 - MuchoCATIA

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La Tabla de Códigos de Retorno detectados por el Data Upward Assistant (CATDUA).



objetivos    El CATIA Data Upward Assistant (CAT. D. U. A.) tiene la capacidad de comprobar los datos estructurales dentro de un CATProduct, CATPart, CATDrawing, CATAnalysis, CATMaterial, CATProcess, y actualizar (modificarle) la estructura de datos.  Aqui puede encontrar una descripción de los codigos de retornos detectados por el Data Upward Assistant que incluyen:
•   Niveles de severidad de los errores detectados,
•  Síntomas (opinión del usuario) de los errores detectados,
•   Problemas técnicos,
•   Operaciones CATDUA V5,
•  Resultados de la ejecución del CATDUA V5 (que ve el usuario).

Niveles de Prioridad.

Leyenda de los Niveles de Prioridad (significado de los números entre parentesis):
  1:  Código de retorno de la prioridad Uno: La mejora efectuada puede conducir al borrado de datos.
  2:  Código de retorno de la prioridad Dos: La mejora efectuada puede conducir a la modificación de los datos (sin borrar nada).
  3: Código de retorno de la prioridad Tres: Error sin importancia. La acción de mejora no tiene gran impacto en los Datos, pero si en el tamaño del fichero.
  (*) Este símbolo significa que la regla no está ejecutada en un documento que viene de un sistema de PDM (ENOVIAVPM, ENOVIA LCA).



Error Dominio(Entorno) Sintoma (Visible para el usuario) Problemas Técnicos Operación que ejecuta CATDUA Después de ejecutar CATDUA (Visible para el usuario)
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LIF_1 (1) Mechanical Modeler Size of CATPart abnormally huge comparatively to the number of elements or some mechanical features are absent from the specification tree although detected in some commands. Unused Elements (Geometrical feature) are present or used elements should appear in the specification tree. Deletion of unused elements. Some used elements (such as GSD features, Geometrical Sets and PartBodies) are regenerated properly under the CATPart in the specification tree Part is the same but smaller. Used GSD features, Geometrical Sets and PartBodies are all visible in the specification tree
LIF_2 (3) (*) Product Structure Unused external links (shape representation of a product) shown in Edit Links or FileDesk. An external link is not used anymore by the CATProduct but has not been suppressed. The unnecessary external links are deleted. In Edit Links, there are no more unused external links.
LIF_3 (3) Mechanical Modeler No visibility except size of the CATProduct document (constraints deletion cases). Unused Elements (mechanical constraints) are present. Borra elementos NO usados. El documento es el mismo pero de menor tamaño.
LIF_4 (3) (*) Product Structure No visibility except size of the document (when an Isolate command has failed). Unused objects are (PRDCTXREPO and PRDCTXINPUT) persisted in to the product container (CATPrdCont). These objects are not functional, they are pure dead weight. Borra elementos NO usados. Document is the same but smaller.
LIF_5 (3) (*) Mechanical Modeler Ghost links displayed during SendTo or Save in ENOVIA. After deletion of some elements in Part or Product, links are kept in SelectionSet. Borra elementos NO usados. No more ghost links.
LIF_6 (1) (*) Analysis Measure is no more seen, not updateable. Result can be wrong in the edit window. Measure has lost the link to the dimensions which are feature pointed by measure. The link is CATSpecObject_Broken. If user delete measure in the tree dimensions remain in the measure container. The measure and its dimensions are deleted from the measure container. Dimensions are stored in the measure container. There are not seen in the tree. The measure is deleted and disappears from the tree.
El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update) .
LIF_7 (3) (*) Product Structure Internal product geometry access is corrupted. Connector object has no owner. Deletion of the Connectors without father. Document size is reduced, can have an impact if geometry access is used by a contextual input (impact on other documents) or is Published (impact on same document).
El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update) .
LIF_8 (3) (*) Product Structure Connection linking 'Internal product geometry access' is corrupted. Connection (old or new) object has no owner. Deletion of the Connectors without father. Document size is reduced, Constraints are removed at the same time.
Document needs to be updated to handle impacts on constraints deletion.
LIF_9 (3) Product Structure User is prompted with error window containing some ghost links with other documents. Some bag representation Objects are not used, not aggregated and stored in a wrong location. Deletion of the unused objects. No more window is displayed, ghost links has been removed.
LIF_10(3) (*) Mechanical Modeler Ghost link in SendTo command. Some objects of type "CATAsmCstProxy" or "CATPrdInputProxy" point external document but are no more used. Destruction of the not used "CATAsmCstProxy" or "CATPrdInputProxy". No more ghost link.

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LIF_11 (3) (*) Product Structure Ghost Link in SendTo command. A link still exists to the pointing documents due to unused internal feature of infrastructure. Deletion of the Unused internal feature. No more ghost link in SendTo command.
LIF_12 (3) (*) Product Structure When opening a product and going to save management, there is a Ghost Link to another document. The Ghost Link is due to a publication or a constraint. The attribute "_ToProxy" is not unset. Unset the attribute "_ToProxy". No more ghost link.
El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update).
LIF_13 (1) (*) Product Structure A Ghost link is visible in Send To command. During a replace operation, an internal object (proxy) maintains a link to a document which has been removed from the product structure. Removes the invalid proxy. No more Ghost link in Send To command.
MAT_1 (1) Material Abnormal behavior on some materials (For edition, deletion, visualization....). More than one material container in the document. Deletion of over material containers. Some materials are deleted, visualization may changed. Model size is reduced.
MAT_2 (3) Material No Visible symptom. Orphans elements in the material container. Deletion of orphan members. El tamaño del modelo puede reducirse significativamente.
MAT_3 (2) Material Wrong visualization of material. Material has lost some internal data. Reapplication of the same material (if it has been applied as a link and if it can be retrieved in the original catalog).
Note that this error could sometimes be impossible to repair if the material can not be retrieved (for example, if the material is located in an inaccessible material catalog.
Visualization may change.
MAT_4 (3) Material Invalid material links (In Send/To command). Incorrect data in material container. Deletion of incorrect data of material container. No more invalid material links (In Send/To command).
MAT_5 (2) Material A material parameter disappears from specification tree after a new parameter creation. The material parameter contains wrong data. Modify the material parameter. El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update).
MAT_6 (2) Material A Ghost Link on another document appears when performing a SendTo operation. The Ghost Link is due to an applied material that appears as copied material in the specification tree. Modify the material application information to obtain a correct linked material. El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update).
MAT_7 (3) (*) Material A blank line is displayed in the window of the "SendTo" command (ghost link). A material is located in a wrong container (not the material container). This can lead to ghost links. This material is unused and should be destroyed. Deletion of material. No more Ghost Link in the SendTo command.
MFG_0 (1) Manufacturing No visibility except abnormal size of CATProcess document. Unused machining feature is not deleted (activities cases). Delete the unused machining feature. Document is the same but smaller.
MFG_1 (1) Manufacturing No visibility except abnormal size of CATProcess document. Unused pattern definition is not deleted (pattern cases). Delete the unused pattern definition. Document is the same but smaller.
MFG_2(2) Manufacturing No visibility except abnormal size of CATProcess document. The body referenced by a manufacturing geometry in SMART NC mode is duplicated. Delete the duplicated body. Document is the same but smaller.
MFG_3 (1) Manufacturing No visibility except abnormal size of CATProcess document. Toolpath not referenced by an activity is not deleted. Delete the unused toolpath. Document is the same but smaller.
MFT_0 (2) Mechanical Modeler Wrong behavior during activate/deactivate of solids. The status activated/deactivated (which can be seen in F(x) through parameter activity) does not correspond to the data structure of the solid. The data structure is reset in accordance with the active/inactive status. El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update).

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MFT_1 (1) Mechanical Modeler When a solid is deactivated, the previous solid's result is damaged. Inactive feature storing the result of the previous feature. Reconstruction of the internal result when possible. El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update).
MFT_2 (1) Mechanical Modeler When a solid is deactivated, the previous solid's result is damaged. Result of a shape feature valuated with the result of the previous active shape feature. Reconstruction of the internal result when possible. El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update).
MFT_3 (1) Mechanical Modeler Trouble with activation/deactivation behavior for solids. An internal attribute dealing with solid's activation is unset or missing. Attribute is regenerated or reset with a proper result. El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update).
MGN_0 (2) Mechanical Modeler The result of an update (geometric) is not correct. No errors are reported. Internal information has multiple values instead of one. Deletion of unnecessary values. El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update). The result of the update is correct.
MGN_3 (2) Mechanical Modeler Information computed on a feature could be false (ex length...). No errors are reported. Invalid update state. Restore a valid update state. El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update). The result of the update is correct.
MGN_4 (3) Mechanical Modeler The size of the model is abnormally huge comparatively to the number of elements. Or the size increases abnormally quickly comparatively to the number of interactions. The generic naming of the BRep features duplicates data. Remove duplicated data. Reduce the size of the document.
MGN_5 (3) Mechanical Modeler User is prompted with an error window during PowerCopy or Copy Paste operation. Useless synchronization data remain on a feature. Remove useless synchronization data. Reduce the size of the document.
MGN_6 (1) Mechanical Modeler Size of a CATPart on disk is abnormally huge. Useless Mechanical modeler data. Remove useless data. Reduce the size of the model.
MGN_7 (2) Mechanical Modeler Some cells of Datum Feature cannot be selected. Cells cannot be selected because they have no naming. Add a naming to the cells. All cells can be selected, and other features may be applied.
El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update).
MIR_0 (2) PartDesign While updating a corrupted mirror feature an error with message " One or several features of the list have been deleted. Data is no longer consistent. You must delete the transformation feature." is thrown. One or more than one reference elements kept in Generative Tool for mirroring is lost. The reference elements kept in Generative Tool are created again. El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update).
MMR_0 (1) Mechanical Modeler Severe global malfunctioning in the Part. One at least of the reference plane of the Part (xy, yz, zx) is damaged or missing. The reference planes of the Part (xy, yz, zx) are regenerated or repaired. El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update).
MMR_1 (2) Mechanical Modeler An old CATPart cannot be used in an assembly (Insert Component fails). The link between the shape representation and the product is broken. Recreation of the link. The CATPart can be inserted in the assembly.
MMR_2 (2) Mechanical Modeler Severe global malfunctioning in many operations expecting the main body to exist. There is no main body (PartBody) in the Part. Creation of a main body. Apparition of a main body in the Part.
MMV_1 (3) Mechanical Modeler Visualization of a part is black. Invalid graphic property on the part. Deletion of the invalid property. Part is correctly visualized.
MMV_2 (3) Mechanical Modeler The visualization of previously dressed-up geometry (used in Free Style workbench) can be wrong: the dress-up can still be visualized after removal. This problem can only occur for documents created before CATIA V5R10. In some cases, dress-up properties could be duplicated, so that one property remained even after removal. Restore correctly the dress-up properties. Correct visualization, corresponding to the dress-up properties.
MMV_3 (3) Mechanical Modeler If multiviewer infrastructure is available on the PartBody (e.g. in SheetMetal workbenches), wrong view names appear in the panels "Views" and "Add view" of the contextual menu of the PartBody. These view names appear in addition to the correct ones (i.e "3D View" and "Flat View"). This problem can only happen for CATPart documents created on CXR10 level. On that level, wrong attribute values were streamed on the PartBody. Erase the wrong attribute names. Both multiviewer panels contain only the correct view names.

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MTR_0 (2) Mechanical Modeler Generated drafting view is not complete : some elements are missing compared with the 3D visualization of the Part. Wrong plug of attribute from the mechanical Body to its last solid. Attribute reset correctly. Document needs to be updated.
MTR_1 (3) (*) Mechanical Modeler Ghost Link in SendTo command. MechanicalTool has a reference to a lost part. Change reference to the startup. No more ghost link.
MTR_2 (2) Mechanical Modeler Visualization and/or update errors among solids. Wrong plug between solids. Re-plug solids correctly. Document needs to be updated.
MTR_3 (3) Mechanical Modeler Wrong visualization of a Body, i.e: an operated Body is visible as if it was not operated. Wrong set of attribute. Resets the attribute correctly. Document needs to be updated.
NUM_0 (3) (*) Numbering When opening a CATProduct, a warning informs you that the document contains ghost Links, or differences between SendTo and EditLinks commands. The attribute "_RefProduct" in the container "CATPrdNumberingCont" is wrong. Remove the phantom numbering objects. No more warning pop-up when opening the document
OLE_0 (2) (*) Drafting No visibility. A DrwOLE object point to a startup not located in the same CATDrawing. The OLE startup will be imported into the same drawing as the DrwOLE object if necessary. The DrwOLE object will then point to the right OLE startup. No visibility.
PAT_0 (1) PartDesign Document cannot be updated. Error obtained when update is called on the Part having user Pattern, which has redundant instances in its Gener Tool. If user pattern is having a user defined feature as one of its item to pattern and if there are any redundant instances of features to pattern in GenerTool of the pattern object, the model is corrupted. Redundant instances in GenerTool of User Pattern are deleted. The instances available in GenerTool of User Pattern are correct. Document can be updated.
Document needs to be updated.
PIC_0 (3) Drafting A Drawing Picture disappears after a copy/paste. Non aggregated Picture. Deletion of non aggregated Drawing Picture. The document is smaller.
SAF_2 (2) Analysis Missing result view of an Analysis feature. Some of the Finite element model objects are no more linked their original feature. Initialize a default result view for next update. Concerned Features are no more up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
SAF_3 (1) Analysis Invalid result view of an Analysis feature. Some of the Finite element model objects are not valid according to FE rules. Re-initialize a valid default result view for next update. Concerned Features are no more up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
SAF_4 (2) Analysis Missing links between mesh and physical data attach on mesh . Some mesh can no more be referenced in order to define preprocessing. Re-initialize a valid default result view for next update. Concerned Features are no more up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
SAF_5 (2) Analysis Errors in mesh or postprocessing visualization . Nodes with wrong activity status according to mesh part activity status. Correct activity status. No visibility.

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SCH_0 (3) PlantShip Modeler In some cases, the connectors' locations are not well defined. Mismatched update state on an extension. Update state set to TRUE. Document needs to be updated.
SCS_0 (2) Sketcher Sketch solving result is not stable. Geometries can move when the user edits a sketch. Some geometrical constraints do not have "Help" parameter. This parameter is used by the constraint solver to help solving the sketch. Add the missing "Help" parameter to sketcher constraint. Solving result is stable. When editing a sketch, geometries do not move.
SHC_1 (3) DMU Fitting Performance issue when loading a CATPart. A CATPart contains a wrong 'Shuttle' container. When loading this CATPart, CATIA tries to load the Shuttle container and initialize it and load the huge DMU Fitting libraries. Deletes the unwanted Shuttle container. Correct performance when loading the CATPart.
SHM_0 (2) SheetMetal Somme sheet metal object cannot be deactivate. The information which is managing the activity is not present on some sheet metal object. Adding the information. The activity will be at Yes after the operation. The activity is at Yes
Document needs to be updated.
SHM_1 (2) SheetMetal User is prompted with error window "The Extrude XXX has a data problem". Before V5R9, some internal BRep Edges features were pointed but not aggregated. Aggregate the involved BRep Edge features. No more error window.
SKS_0 (2) Sketcher Modeler User cannot use sketch absolute or a sub-element (O,H,V) of a sketch absolute axis to create a volumic or a surfacic feature (ex: User cannot select H axis to define revolution axis of a revolve volume). User cannot create a projection, an intersection or an offset curve in the Sketcher workbench. Absolute axis, H axis, V axis and Origin features have no result body. CATDUA puts absolute axis feature out of date. All sub-elements of the sketch can be used to create feature. Sketch feature is not up-to-date and the user has to update the sketch (or the part)
Document needs to be updated
SKS_1 (2) Sketcher Modeler Update cycles not detected when features are using origin, h direction or v direction of the sketch absolute axis. Update data structure of the origin, h direction or v direction of the sketch absolute axis is not correct. Update data structure corrected. Sketches are seen as non up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
SKT_0 (1) Sketcher Modeler Sketch absolute axis seen as up-to-date, but no resulting associated geometry. Operations within the Sketcher cannot be performed properly. mark non up-to-date absolute axis. Sketches are seen as non up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
SKT_24 (3) Sketcher No visibility (severity 3 since R9SP3) Unused elements (Brep aggregated under sketch) are present. Deletion of unused elements. Sketches are seen as non up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
SKT_25 (3) Sketcher Modeler upgrade of data structure updates of sketches created before V5R3SP2. bad update links management. Modify internal update links between sketch elements. Sketches are seen as non up-to-date.
El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update).
SKT_26 (2) Sketcher Modeler When opening a CATPart document, a warning with the following error message appears: "The files in the following list could not be found or contain the wrong information for the active document", but a document mentioned in the list does not appear when using File/Desk or Edit/Links command. The user cannot correct the ghost link. After pasting in a Sketch geometry coming from View of a CATDrawing containing a ditto, the Sketch can contain geometry features on which some instance/reference links were kept with the CATDrawing data. Unplug the geometry with ghost links on their details/dittos in the CATDrawing and re-plugg them to their startups in current CATPart document. No more warning pop-up when opening the CATPart document. Document needs to be updated.
SMG_4 (2) Sketcher Updates of use edges not performed properly. Update data structure of use edges not consistent. Update data structure corrected. Sketches are seen as non up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
SMG_5 (2) Sketcher Updates of use edges not performed properly. Update data structure of use edges not consistent. Update data structure corrected. Sketches are seen as non up-to-date.
El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update).
SMG_6 (2) Sketcher Updates of use edges not performed properly. Update data structure of use edges not consistent. Update data structure corrected. Sketches are seen as non up-to-date.
El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update).
SMG_9 (2) Sketcher A modification of a constraint is not taken into account by an update of the sketch. Internal value to determine if a constraint impact a sketch is not correctly valuated. Set the attribute to the correct value. Sketches are seen as non up-to-date.
El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update).
SMG_16 (2) Sketcher Updates of sketches must be performed many times to get sketches updated. Constraints re-impacted during the feature update. Constraints update data structure corrected. The result of the update is correct, Sketches are seen as non up-to-date.
Document needs to be updated.
SMG_17 (2) Sketcher Update errors appearing for features using sketched geometry. Inconsistent update data structure. Geometry update data structure corrected. The result of the update is correct, Sketches are seen as non up-to-date.
El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update).
TFC_0 (2) Mold Design When opening a sub-product of a Tooling Assembly only, some products that are not part of the loaded sub-product are also loaded. One or several Tooling Feature Extensions have an attribute pointing on non first rank instances of products. The pointing attribute is reset on the first rank instance of the product. The symptom disappears. Products are no more loaded.
TFC_1 (2) Mold Design A product takes a very long time to be closed. One or several Tooling Feature Extensions have attributes that points several times on the same product. Suppress the duplicated links. The symptom disappears. Products can be closed with a correct performance.
TFC_2 (2) Mold Design When opening a sub-product of a Tooling Assembly only, some products that are not part of the loaded sub-product are also loaded. Some Tooling Feature extensions have been duplicated. Resets to 0 all the attributes of the useless extensions (their complete removal is not possible). The symptom disappears. Products are no more loaded.
STD_0 (2) Drafting No visibility. Only one standard per document is allowed. Only the first standard will be kept, the others will be deleted. No visibility.

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STD_1 (2) Drafting No visibility. The current sheet is not associated with the standard of the document. The standard in the document is replaced by a new standard (import) corresponding to the standard of the current sheet. No visibility.
SYN_1 (3) Product Structure Some new instances are created during the open of a CATProduct. Synchronization mechanism does not detect the newly created object, so it creates a new one. Deletion of the newly created instance. The CATProduct has the good number of instances.
SYN_2 (1) Product Structure When working in context of corrupted CATProduct, the Parts cannot be visualized and the shapes cannot be activated correctly. The PRDBAGREP attribute of the ASMPRODUCT does not reference the PRDBAGREP of the reference ASMPRODUCT. Reset the BagRepsList attribute of the ASMPRODUCT. The CATPart is correctly visualized.
THD_0 (3) Part Design Using SendTo Directory, a part from CATPart, thread reference file is also sent and should not. The link between a design table and the standard reference file is not broken but should be. Break the invalid link. Send To Directory command send the correct set of data.
TRC_1 (3) DMU Fitting The name of an invalid CATProduct appears when using the "Send To" command on a specific CATPart. A CATPart contains a wrong "Track" container. When using "Send To" on this CATPart, CATIA tries to load an unwanted Track container which points on an invalid CATProduct. Due to some earlier implementation problem, the user was able to create a Track container in CATParts. Deletes the unwanted Track container. No more invalid CATProducts listed in the SendTo.
UAV_0 (2) Product Structure An instance does not seem to have exactly the same geometry than the reference. In the worst case, it is not visible at all, and CATIA is unstable in when trying to create 2D projections or solving 3D constraints. Instance positioning is not an isometric transformation. In worst case it cannot even be inverted. Restore the positioning matrix to the nearest isometric transformation. Correct visualization of instance.
Document needs to be updated if it contains 3D constraints.
UAV_1 (1) Product Structure The move commands are not able to change position of a particular instance. This object's position is not synchronized with its reference. Flexibility rules are not fully respected even if position is overloaded, thus the move command does not apply on the good object. Sub-assembly containing the instance is made correctly flexible (so overloaded instance is kept). Sub-assembly has the flexible icon mask, and move works as expected.
El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update).
UAV_2 (3) Product Structure Unused Links (connectors from constraints) are shown in the Send To command. Internal attribute to determine the constraint pointed by a connector is not correctly valuated. Set the attribute to the correct value. Those links are not visible anymore.
UAV_3 (1) Product Structure Connection with an incorrect associated constraint. A constraint is not in the right container. Deletion of the constraint. None.

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UAV_4 (3) (*) Product Structure Ghost link in the Send To or Edit Links command. "Hole" in tk_list,tk_compo attribute. Maybe inter-document aggregation onto a document that is not found. Remove aggregation in children list. No more Ghost Link in the command.
UAV_5 (2) (*) Product Structure Publication node in sub-product is broken whereas it is OK in reference document. Empty links attributes on instance of publication feature. Reset the publication instance from its reference. Publication node is OK in sub-product.
UAV_6 (3) Product Structure After the use of Flexible/Rigid command, the flexible assembly can not be correctly updated. Product instances are not positioned at the correct location. The ConnectorsFamily of the flexible instance is pointing a connector into the reference scope instead of a connector belonging to the instance scope. Call the ObjectSpecModeler API CATSpecSmart SynchroAllInstances in order to reroute the pointing schema. The model is repair. Assembly needs to be updated.
UAV_7 (2) Product Structure In some cases, the command defined contextual link has not impact on the contextual part. The contextual instance associated to the contextual part can not be changed by the command. Some instances overload the definition of the contextual instance. Instead to use the definition of the context at the Part level as expected, the system is using the context overloaded by the instance. Reset the overload context for product instance. The model is repair, the command Define Contextual Link will work again.
UAV_8 (2) Product Structure No visualization of instance or instance badly positioned. (It depends not only of data corruption case, but also on load settings). Attribute which is supposed to store the object owning instance's position matrix and reference's shape representation information is overloaded. Two cases: no object at all, or too many objects. Restore the position and representation information from the original data. (Reset attribute). Correct visualization and position.
UAV_9 (3) Product Structure Ghost link in the Send To or Edit Links command. A connector has in his list of usages a link to a connection that is stored in a missing document. Remove the link. No more Ghost Link in the command.
UAV_10 (3) (*) Product Structure A part document is pointing at useless components. _component attribute is valuated for a Part. empty the _component attribute. A CATPart has no children. The CATPart document is no more pointing to some useless component.
UAV_11 (3) (*) Product Structure When working in context, the new from command is not working and/or a copy-paste action will create a ghost link on the paste assembly. The attribute Shape Connector of the connector is pointing an invalid document. The pointing document does not belong to the Instance-reference model or reference representation model. Reset the attribute Shape connector. No Visibility.
UAV_12 (3) (*) Product Structure When opening a product there is a ! before a publication. When opening the CATPart containing the publication, there is no ! before the publication. The attribute _TechnoLinkAttr is wrong. Reset the attribute _TechnoLinkAttr. No more ! before the publication.
UAV_14 (3) Product Structure Same publication appears several times in the Specification tree. The publication appears several times in the instance is wrong. Remove all identical publications but one. The publication appears only one time in the Specification tree. publication.
UAV_15 (2)(*) Product Structure The publication is broken after the modification of CATPart PartNumber. The PUBLISHING_Pointage, PUBLISHING_Etiquette and/or PUBLISHING_PubName attributes are affected on Instance instead of reference. Transfer the PUBLISHING_Pointage, PUBLISHING_Etiquette and PUBLISHING_PubName attributes from instance level to reference level. Publication is no more broken.
UAV_16 (2) Product Structure Instance externals are locally set. Instance externals should not be locally set because they take settings of their reference. Reset instance externals. None.
UAV_18 (2) (*) Product Structure No shape representation on a part reference or the shape representation on a reference points to another part's shape. Shape representation should never be empty and it should not point to the shape of another part. The shape representation points to the own shape of the part. Need to reload the product if the reference is not visible in the view.
UAV_19 (2) (*) Product Structure A Contextual Link is always Not UpToDate, even after an Update. The object pointed by this ContextualLink is not the good one, and cannot be used. The ContextualLink pointing is unset. The ContextualLink is broken, but it can be updated.
Document needs to be updated.
UAV_20 (2) Product Structure Error pannel on PRDCONNECTION displayed when updating the assembly. The PRDCONNECTION is corrupted. Some of its applicative extensions' attributes point to invalid objects (e.g. the applicative extension itself). Compares the PrdConnection attributes to its direct reference, and resets the corrupted attributes according to the value held by this reference. The update operation goes on correctly if launched.
UAV_21 (1) (*) Product Structure The number of publication of the part in the assembly count less than the number of publication in the part when opened separately. One Publication of the part instance has no reference in the reference Part. Check the integrity of all Publications by comparing it to its direct reference, and resets the corrupted list according to the value held by this reference. The number of publication of the part is the same in the assembly count and when part is opened separately.
El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update).

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UAQ_1 (3) Product Structure The dependencies of a publication is not up to date after an update. Some publications has the quality of the attribute "_Pointage" set to sp_NEUTRAL instead sp_IN. Quality is set to sp_IN. The design is not up-to-date and the update command is available in the assembly workbench.
El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update).
UDF_0 (2) (*) Mechanical Modeler Lost inputs when editing a UserFeature. User-Feature with an invalid Input. Re-plug of inputs. A new input can appear on the cleaned UserFeature.
UFC_1 (2) DMU Fitting When an effected CATProcess document is loaded and when the user tries to do File -> Send To -> Directory, the user will see "CATDMUFitting" file name without full path. A CATProcess document has a track container in it. The catalog manager of the track container points to the non existing "CATDMUFitting" catalog file. So,
  1. when the user loads the CATProcess document and he tries to do File -> Send To  -> Directory, the application lists "DMUFitting" file name.
  2. when the user loads a particular project from the Hub to V5 and activates "Create PackandGo Data" command, the application lists the "CATDMUFitting" file name.
Unset the link to the non existing "CATDMUFitting" file. When the user does one of the following operation, he will not notice that the application does not list non existent "CATDMUFitting" file.
  1. open the cleaned CATProcess document and do a File -> Send To -> Directory.
  2. load a specific project from the Hub to V5 and activate "Create PackandGo Data" command.
UPD_1 (2) SheetMetal The SheetMetal unfolded and folded are not consistent. Some features are missing or some modifications are not taken in account. The internal components are not correctly updated, even if the update links are correct. Check the timestamp values of the components. If one anomaly is detected, the components are set in NotUpToDate status. The activity is at Yes
El documento necesita ser actualizado (Update).
UPG_0 (3) Product Structure Product is not correctly visualized. The product keeps a previous representation for a link (V5R2 model) which is no more supported. Force the upgrade of the link to a supported representation. El Product is visualizado correctamente.
UPG_1 (3) (*) Product Structure After reordering the publications or deleting Part, the publications reference a wrong geometry. The attribute _Pointage of the Publication is built in a relative mode. Upgrade this attribute by a new Spec relation without relative mode. The publications reference a correct geometry.
URL_1 (3) (*) Knowledge Bad performance when opening a document. An URL points a document through an invalid attribute type. Attribute is turned into the correct type. Document is opened with correct performance.
VWN_0 (1) (*) Drafting Ghost links are visible through File Send to. A formula valuating the name of the view is built upon a parameter that exists in an external document. The formula is deleted then rebuilt so that there are no external parameters. No more external links due to the formula associated with a view name.



inf Para obtener la lista completa de Códigos de Retorno del Data Upward Assistant, por favor vea La lista de Códigos de Retorno Detectados por el Data Upward Assistant.

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